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Is It Time to Move a Senior Loved One Closer?

Signs It’s Time to Move a Senior Loved One Close

seniors with canesYou can’t always tell by talking to them on the phone, but when you know, you know. Maybe they had a fall. You’ve noticed their memory going, or sometimes when you talk to them, they’re uncharacteristically terse. Moving an aging loved one to senior care is a big step, and most, if it’s an option, would rather have the senior move in or move nearby.

Caring for an aging loved one is among the most rewarding experiences, but it could also be the hardest job, physically and mentally. Here are some things to think about, to help you determine if it’s the right time to move a senior loved one close. Article provided by Stephanie Haywood

Risks to Their Safety

conversation with a seniorThis is the one you can’t ignore. If they’ve told you about incidents that made you worry, or if they’ve admitted to not feeling safe, you’ll want to do something sooner rather than later. Signs to keep in mind include short-term memory challenges, which become serious if they get lost while driving.

There are many safety tips you can implement in the home, but it will be difficult to protect your loved ones when they go out. Things like forgetting to take their medication can pose a safety threat.

Your Time Commitment

Most family caregivers spend 20 hours each week providing care for an aging loved one. While many people want to provide their loved ones with the best care, it comes too late as they miss important signs along the way.

Changes in Sleep Patterns

One of the biggest indicators of the physical changes of your elderly loved one is experiencing sleep irregularity. Check if they sleep most of the day, or during unusual times of the day in odd locations. Their energy could be low, so they’re unable to stay awake most of the time.

lonliness depressionAt any age, sleep offers many health benefits, but seniors experience a higher risk for sleep disorders and disturbance. The issues can improve when you encourage your loved one to maintain a good level of physical activity and when they interact with others often. Moving your aging loved one closer means they can get more interaction and things to do that will keep them engaged.

Before you move, you can hire professionals to renovate your senior loved one’s home. Among things that can be fixed include the gutter, which should be cleaned to remove all debris. Professionals come with the right tools and the experience to complete the process effectively and safely.

Deteriorating Personal Upkeep

Another obvious indicator is the deterioration of personal upkeep. Some of these signs manifest through skipping meals or a lack of appetite, wearing clothes incorrectly, and failing to take simple hygiene steps like brushing hair. With someone closer to them, the senior can get the motivation to handle some of these issues.

Medical Concerns

seniors medical careHas your loved one developed a medical condition recently? Maybe you were able to help to manage those needs at first, but as time went on, the condition progressed. Your loved one may occasionally forget to take essential medications or schedule necessary doctor’s appointments. If you catch yourself worrying about your loved one’s ability to handle his or her own medical needs, you may want to talk to your senior about moving into assisted living. When your loved one is at an assisted living facility, the staff will always ensure that he or she is taking medications and receiving treatments as prescribed.

When It’s Time

Waning health – both mental and physical – means it’s time to improve the support system surrounding your loved one. If it’s time to check out movers near me, read reviews and contact some pros for quotes. Remember to get prices in writing, and steer clear of deals that feel too good to be true. There are a lot of scammers out there, and if something feels off, search on.


It’s easier to care for your loved ones if they’re closer to you. While this requires a great deal of investment in time and resources, you will always love it when your loved one is safe and in good health. Observe these changes to know if it’s the right time to move your aging loved one closer.

Whether you’re buying or selling in Parker, CO, Brian Chandler brings 40 years of sales experience. Contact Brian today!

Moving is always a big change, but it can be an exciting one too. I wish you all the best as you make this journey and explore all that our beautiful state has to offer.  Brian is also a Senior Real Estate Specialist

Brian's Real Estate BooksAlso, you can download a FREE copy of Brian’s book ” GAIN MORE FREEDOM BY DOWNSIZING YOUR HOME”

Once your kids move out of the house, you might find yourself with an overabundance of unused space. While letting go of the house you’ve called home for so long might not be easy, it just might be the right decision — both financially and practically — for your future. Whether you choose to move to a smaller single-family home or to a senior living community, the opportunities (and cost savings) are endless.




Real estate pro Brian Chandler of RE/MAX Alliance Group is a top producer and sales trainer located in the Parker, Colorado, area. Whether you’re buying or selling, team up with Brian today! 720.808.1007 Read more articles like these Top Realtor Info Contact Brian Chandler

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